Episode 56 - 90s Toy & Mall Santa
comedy, game, games, hesher, historical, history, kid, kids, geek, children, child, music, movies, movie, nerd, podcast, stand up comedyRobot Pirate Mediastand up comedian, standup comedy, standup, stand-up comedy, stand-up comic, standup comic, stand up comedy, stand up, standup comedian, stand, stand-up, stand-up comedian, stand up comic, com, comedycentral, comedian, comedy, com', comedy central, comedy festival, comedy podcast, comic, toy, toys, 80s, 80s toys, n64, golden eye, goldeneye, james, bond, james bond, cheat code, cheat codes, mario cart, mario kart, mariocart, mariokart, kart, mario, pod, pod', podfest, portland podfest, pdx podfest, podcast festival, podcast, podcast recording, podcast recording', pdx podcast festival, pdx podcast, portland podcast, live podcast, bonus podcast, music podcast, history podcast, movie podcast, educational podcast, game, video, video game, video games, games, videos, screen, atari, nintendo, nintenod, nes, game system, console, pc, pc games, console games, computer, computer games, nerd, geek, metal, met, met', most metal, metalocalypse, metallica, metal music, death metal, heavy metal, black metal, what's more metal, wmm, history, historical, historical podcast, stage, performance, play, playtime, 90s
Episode 28 - Presidents & Adult Swim Cartoons
comedy, game, games, hesher, geek, historical, history, metal, music, nerd, podcast, stand up comedyRobot Pirate Mediacomedy podcast, comedy, comedian, comic, stand up comedy, stand up comedian, stand up comic, stand up, portland, pdx, presidents, US, government, teddy, teddie, roosevelt, teddie roosevelt, teddy roosevelt, ronald regan, Ulysses S Grant, civil war, history podcast, historical, history, historic, rick and morty, rick, morty, rick n morty, adult swim, cartoon, cartoons, venture brothers, mr. pickles, metalocalypse, cartoon network
Episode 24 - Taxes, Easter Candy, Porn & More LIVE!
comedy, game, games, geek, hesher, historical, wrestling podcast, wrestling, stand up comedy, podcast, nerd, history, music, mortal kombat, metalRobot Pirate Mediacomic, console games, com, comedy, comedian, comedy podcast, stand up comedy, stand up comedian, stand up comic, stand up, taxes, easter, candy, easter candy, tax season, porn, genre, porn genre, live, live podcast, podcast recording', podcast, educational podcast, historic, historical, history podcast, history, portland, pdx
Episode 23 - Mortal Kombat Characters & Pirates
geek, historical, hesher, history, metal, music, nerd, podcast, stand up comedy, game, games, mortal kombat, comedyRobot Pirate Mediamet', metal music, metal, most metal, heavy metal, black metal, death metal, what's more metal, mortal kombat, sub zero, scorpion, johnny cage, lou kang, reptile, game, games, video games, arcade games, console games, cab games, pirates, historic, history podcast, historical, history, comedy, comedian, comedy podcast, comic, stand up comedy, stand up comedian, stand up comic, stand up, black beard, red beard, ching shih, francois l'olonnais, baraka, shao kahn, podcast, podcast recording', live podcast, pdx, portland
Episode 22 - Amusement Park Rides & 80's Wrestlers
comedy, geek, hesher, historical, history, metal, nerd, music, podcast, stand up comedy, wrestling, wrestling podcastRobot Pirate Mediametal, most metal, met', metal music, death metal, black metal, heavy metal, what's more metal, podcast recording', podcast, comedy podcast, history podcast, live podcast, educational podcast, historical, history, portland, pdx, nyc, new york, comedian, comedy, com, comic, stand up comedy, stand up comedian, stand up comic, amusement park, amusement park ride, ride, roller, coaster, roller coaster, decapitation, water slide, slide, ace, coaster enthusiast, six flasgs, six flags, knotts, thrill, thrill ride, goliath, xcelerator, magic mountain, ceder point, wrestle, wrestling, wrestler, wwf, wwe, wcw, nwo, stone cold steve austin, andre the giant, princess bride, andre, giant, randy savage, hulk hogan, rowdy roddy piper, jimmy snooka, mankind, mick foley, vince mcmahon, brett hart, rick rude, rick flair, the iron shiek, the iron sheik, sgt. slaughter, jesse ventura, road warriors, pro wrestling, wrestling podcast
Episode 19 Live! - Winter Olympics Accidents & Sex Positions
comedy, hesher, historical, history, metal, music, podcast, stand up comedyRobot Pirate Mediametal music, most metal, metal, met', black metal, heavy metal, death metal, what's more metal, sex position, sex, position, live, live podcast, podcast, comedy, comedian, comedy podcast, comic, stand up comic, stand up comedy, stand up comedian, music, recording, podcast recording', history, historical, history podcast