Episode 38 - Ancient Folklore Characters & Star Trek Villains
comedy, game, games, geek, hesher, historical, history, i love lucy, lucy, metal, monster, mortal kombat, movies, music, nerd, podcast, religion, religious podcast, stand up comedy, television, tv, whiskey, whiskey podcast, wrestling, wrestling podcast, movie podcast, movieRobot Pirate Mediacomedy, comedian, comic, comedy podcast, com, standup comedian, standup comic, standup comedy, stand-up comedy, stand up comedy, stand-up comedian, stand up comic, stand up comedian, stand-up comic, pod', podcast recording', podcast recording, podcast, bonus podcast, music podcast, history podcast, live podcast, educational podcast, lore, ancient, folklore, folk, characters, character, ireland, gaelic, monkey king, star, trek, star trek, spock, leonard nemoy
Episode 36 - Classic Movie Monsters & Whiskey
comedy, game, games, historical, hesher, geek, history, metal, mortal kombat, movie podcast, movies, nerd, music, podcast, religion, religious podcast, stand up comedy, television, tv, whiskey, whiskey podcast, monsterRobot Pirate Mediacp, comic, comedy, com, comedian, comedy podcast, stand up comedy, stand up comedian, stand up comic, stand up, standup, stand-up, standup comedy, standup comic, standup comedian, stand-up comic, stand-up comedy, stand-up comedian, podcast, podcast recording', podcast recording, pod', live podcast, music podcast, fab 4 podcast, bonus podcast, movie podcast, beatles podcast, history podcast, wrestling podcast, educational podcast, movie, movies, movie director, horror movie, 70s horror movie, classic, horror, classic horror, classic monster, monster, movie monster, movie monsters, universal, universal monsters, swamp, swamp thing, the swamp thing, dracula, nosferatu, wolf, wolfman, american wearwolf, warewolf, london, paris, the wolfman, frankenstein, dr. frankenstein, dr. frankenstien, dr frankenstien, doctor frankenstien, murder, fire, bodies, body count, grave robber, grave robbery, whiskey, alcohol, drunk, bourbon, ireland, ameria, us, usa, trump, maga, make america great again, trump country, trump 2016, gourse, gour, gours, gurse, white dog whiskey, poland, drink, drinks, drunks
Episode 33.5 - Quickfire Bonus w/ Adam Pasi
comedy, game, games, geek, hesher, historical, history, i love lucy, lucy, metal, mortal kombat, movie, movie podcast, movies, music, nerd, podcast, religion, religious podcast, stand up comedy, television, tv, wrestling, wrestling podcastRobot Pirate Mediamet, metalocalypse, metal music, metal, most metal, bonus, bonus ep, bonus episode, bonus podcast, podcast recording', podcast, live podcast, music podcast, movie podcast, comedy podcast, history podcast, educational podcast, recording, director, beatles recording, movie director, comedian, com, comic, cp, comedy, co, stand up comedy, stand up comic, stand up comedian, adam pasi, nariko ott, portland, pdx, oregon, pnw, pacific northwest, boy, boy band, nkotb, new kids on the block, marky mark, mark wahlberg, dog breed, dog, breed, german, shepherd, german shepherd, pug, skull, dogs, 70s, dance, 70s dnce, 70s dance, hustle, electric slide, kung fu fighting, sci-fi, fantasy, universe, hellboy, harry potter, hp, dementors, tim curry, labyrinth, std, aids, gonorrhea, syphilis, hiv, hpv, 2 stars, state, texas, new york, iowa, slipknot
Episode 32 - Board Games & 50's Sitcoms
comedy, game, games, geek, hesher, historical, history, metal, mortal kombat, movie, movie podcast, movies, music, nerd, podcast, religious podcast, stand up comedy, wrestling, wrestling podcast, religion, tv, television, lucy, i love lucyRobot Pirate Mediacomedian, comic, comedy, com, comedy podcast, stand up comedy, stand up comic, stand up comedian, metalocalypse, metallica, most metal, metal music, metal, podcast, podcast recording', live podcast, movie podcast, pod', wrestling podcast, history podcast, educational podcast, recording, board games, dark tower, orson wells, Wells, War of the worlds, aliens, wine, drunk, leave it to beaver, i love lucy, lucille ball, ricky ricardo, tv, television
Episode 24 - Taxes, Easter Candy, Porn & More LIVE!
comedy, game, games, geek, hesher, historical, wrestling podcast, wrestling, stand up comedy, podcast, nerd, history, music, mortal kombat, metalRobot Pirate Mediacomic, console games, com, comedy, comedian, comedy podcast, stand up comedy, stand up comedian, stand up comic, stand up, taxes, easter, candy, easter candy, tax season, porn, genre, porn genre, live, live podcast, podcast recording', podcast, educational podcast, historic, historical, history podcast, history, portland, pdx
Episode 23 - Mortal Kombat Characters & Pirates
geek, historical, hesher, history, metal, music, nerd, podcast, stand up comedy, game, games, mortal kombat, comedyRobot Pirate Mediamet', metal music, metal, most metal, heavy metal, black metal, death metal, what's more metal, mortal kombat, sub zero, scorpion, johnny cage, lou kang, reptile, game, games, video games, arcade games, console games, cab games, pirates, historic, history podcast, historical, history, comedy, comedian, comedy podcast, comic, stand up comedy, stand up comedian, stand up comic, stand up, black beard, red beard, ching shih, francois l'olonnais, baraka, shao kahn, podcast, podcast recording', live podcast, pdx, portland