Episode 56 - 90s Toy & Mall Santa
comedy, game, games, hesher, historical, history, kid, kids, geek, children, child, music, movies, movie, nerd, podcast, stand up comedyRobot Pirate Mediastand up comedian, standup comedy, standup, stand-up comedy, stand-up comic, standup comic, stand up comedy, stand up, standup comedian, stand, stand-up, stand-up comedian, stand up comic, com, comedycentral, comedian, comedy, com', comedy central, comedy festival, comedy podcast, comic, toy, toys, 80s, 80s toys, n64, golden eye, goldeneye, james, bond, james bond, cheat code, cheat codes, mario cart, mario kart, mariocart, mariokart, kart, mario, pod, pod', podfest, portland podfest, pdx podfest, podcast festival, podcast, podcast recording, podcast recording', pdx podcast festival, pdx podcast, portland podcast, live podcast, bonus podcast, music podcast, history podcast, movie podcast, educational podcast, game, video, video game, video games, games, videos, screen, atari, nintendo, nintenod, nes, game system, console, pc, pc games, console games, computer, computer games, nerd, geek, metal, met, met', most metal, metalocalypse, metallica, metal music, death metal, heavy metal, black metal, what's more metal, wmm, history, historical, historical podcast, stage, performance, play, playtime, 90s
Episode 39 - Graphic Novels & Mel Brooks Movies
comedy, game, games, geek, hesher, historical, history, metal, monster, movie podcast, movie, movies, music, nerd, podcast, religious podcast, religion, stand up comedy, television, tvRobot Pirate Mediametalocalypse, metallica, most metal, metal, heavy metal, black metal, death metal, what's more metal, metal music, comedy podcast, comedian, com, comic, comedy, standup comic, standup comedian, co, standup comedy, com', stand-up comedian, stand-up comedy, stand-up comic, stand up comedian, stand up comedy, stand up comic, pod', podcast recording, podcast, podcast recording', live podcast, fab 4 podcast, movie podcast, bonus podcast, music podcast, beatles podcast, history podcast, educational podcast, mel brooks, young frankenstein, dracula dead and loving it, dead, loving it, dracula, vampire, springtime, spring time, springtime for hitler, spring time for hitler, hitler, ww2, wwii, wwi, the watchmen, wikipedia, research, human knowledge, d20, natch twambo, lucifer, devil, satan, hades, lucifer graphic novel, accrossed, crossed, zombie, garth enis, garth ennis, conan, barbarian, top gun, nes, n.e.s., nintenod, nintendo, land, plane, landing, the producers, producers, doctor frankenstien, gene wilder, peter boyle