Episode 33 - Beatles Songs & Duelists
comedy, game, games, geek, hesher, historical, history, metal, movie, movie podcast, movies, music, nerd, podcast, religion, religious podcast, stand up comedy, television, tvRobot Pirate Mediacomedian, comedy, comedy podcast, com, comic, stand up comic, stand up comedian, stand up comedy, pod', podcast, podcast recording', live podcast, movie podcast, history podcast, educational podcast, beatles, The Beatles, pop, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Ringo Star, George Harrison, Fab 4, band, song, songs, music, music podcast, beatles podcast, fab 4 podcast, beatles recording, happiness is a warm gun, helter skelter, yer blues, duel, duelists, presidents, president, andrew jackson, france, french, duelist, challenge
Episode 28 - Presidents & Adult Swim Cartoons
comedy, game, games, hesher, geek, historical, history, metal, music, nerd, podcast, stand up comedyRobot Pirate Mediacomedy podcast, comedy, comedian, comic, stand up comedy, stand up comedian, stand up comic, stand up, portland, pdx, presidents, US, government, teddy, teddie, roosevelt, teddie roosevelt, teddy roosevelt, ronald regan, Ulysses S Grant, civil war, history podcast, historical, history, historic, rick and morty, rick, morty, rick n morty, adult swim, cartoon, cartoons, venture brothers, mr. pickles, metalocalypse, cartoon network